How did #30daysofbiking get started?
According to Minneapolis Happening #30daysofbiking began when two guys from Minneapolis saw a tweet about 30 days of yoga. One of them responded "how about 30 days of biking" and thus a world-wide (literally) movement was born.
30 days of biking is a simple concept that started in 2010 in Minneapolis. It doesn't matter how long, how far, or what kind of bike you ride. What matters is that you ride your bike.
Minneapolis Happening states that #30daysofbiking has created a world-wide community with over 4,000 participants from over 100 countries. Why April? It's Spring! There will be different kinds of weather almost every day - a good way to get really comfortable on your bike.
Visit for more information and to pledge (nothing wrong with being a few days behind). you can also watch this pretty cool video that was made a few years ago.
Day 1: #30daysofbiking
The sun was out. I took the fat bike for a spin along some trails around the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, which is just behind where we live.

Day 2: #30daysofbiking
Matt and I went for a 20 mile ride on one of our favorite routes. Although it was cloudy, it was fun to get outside and ride.
